Could You Have Dysthymia?

Are you always a little depressed? It's possible that you are suffering from a mood disorder called dysthymia, a chronic, mild form of depression. Read on to learn more.

You would describe yourself as a gloomy person

If you have dysthymia, odds are you can get out of bed in the morning and work your way through a productive day. But even though you can go through the motions, you may always feel as if there's a storm cloud hanging over your head. Regardless of circumstances, your overall mood tends to fall on the gloomier side of the scale.

You're tired all the time

Even when you manage a full eight hours of sleep, you still feel like you're dragging. You may also have other sleep disturbances, as well-- maybe you have trouble falling asleep, or you wake up in the middle of the night for hours at a time. Insomnia and fatigue are both common symptoms of dysthymia.

You don't have much hope for the future

You might describe yourself as feeling hopeless and lost. Regardless of how bright your future actually is, it's hard to imagine good things happening to you. Maybe you feel like you'll never land a job after college, or you'll be alone forever. Thinking in these kinds of negative extremes can be a sign of dysthymia.

You have low self-esteem

Even the most confident people suffer from bouts of low self esteem. But if these feelings are persistent, that could be indicative of a problem such as dysthymia. You may feel unattractive, or feel that you have nothing to offer friends and loved ones. You may even feel guilty and undeserving when someone does something for you.

You don't have a "normal" appetite

If you have dysthymia, you may find that you have no appetite at all. You may have trouble keeping on weight, or lose it without even trying. Alternatively, you may feel ravenous all the time-- especially for comfort foods. It might seem as if your hunger is related more to your moods than your actual need for food.

You've felt this way for as long as you can remember

Dysthymia tends to stick around. In order to be diagnosed with the condition, symptoms must have been present the majority of the time, for a period of at least two years. And even though it may seem as if you've always been this way, dysthymia is a treatable condition. Talk to your doctor if you think you may be suffering from dysthymia. 

For more information, contact a professional like those at Valley Medical Care.
