Promising Treatments For Some Common Brain Conditions: Do You Qualify?

Brain conditions such as aneurysms, weak blood vessels, brain shrinkage associated with dementia and Alzheimer's, and the death of motor neurons deeply affect your ability to think and function. If you are still really young but you are either suffering from one of these conditions or you are at risk for them, you may be looking for brain condition treatments that can help. Here are some promising treatments that may be able to help you now and in the future.

Insulin Control and Brain Shrinkage

It is a proven fact that people with Alzheimer's experience extensive brain shrinkage as the disease progresses. Dementia patients experience something similar with their brains. However, a scientist who was studying diabetes in rats found that the diabetic rats who died from uncontrolled diabetes actually suffered from different forms of Alzheimer's and dementia. When the rats' diets were controlled such that they ate significantly less sugar and their insulin levels were effectively monitored, the symptoms and behaviors related to cognitive impairment seemed to disappear overnight. Even if you do not have diabetes, the study is a good indication that your blood sugar levels and diet (when controlled) may be key to halting and/or reversing brain shrinkage and Alzheimer's/dementia symptoms.

Restoring Dead or Dying Motor Neurons

Stem cell research has extended into the area of regenerating motor neurons. Many patients who suffer ALS, MS, MD and Lyme's disease have dead or dying motor neurons, which impairs their ability to move and control movement. The genetically-modified stem cells are implanted directly into the spinal chord and brain, where they immediately begin to regrow and restore motor neurons. It is has been five years since the scientists involved with the research have made both the serum and the discovery, putting the next phase of human trials into effect.

Collapsing Blood Vessels in the Brain to Treat Weak Vessels and Prevent Aneurysms

If it seems strange to intentionally collapse oxygen-giving blood vessels to the brain, well, it is. However, when you have one or more vessels diagnostically recognized as potential lethal weapons in your head, you may just opt for this treatment too. Surgeons enter your brain through a blood vessel in your thigh, or just under one of your clavicles (i.e., collarbones).  A tiny scope and laser instrument makes its way into your brain while you take a little nap on the operating table. There, the scope finds the weak vessels or the blood vessels that are about to rupture and explode, and it uses the laser to collapse them. You may wake with a slight headache, but you can rest assured knowing that an aneurysm is not in your future.

Talk to a specialist, like Allegheny Brain And Spine Surgeons, for more help.
