Three Ways To Make Your Hearing Aids Invisible To Everyone Else

Hearing aids are a natural part of the aging process for many adults. However, you may feel self-conscious or uncomfortable about wearing obvious devices to help you hear. Sometimes, people with hearing aids are treated differently than they would ordinarily be treated without hearing aids. If you want to avoid a lot of those feelings and situations, you are in luck. There are at least three ways you can make your hearing aids invisible to everyone else, such as:

Completely Clear BTEs

BTEs, or "behind the ear" hearing aids, each have a piece that fits in the outer ear and connects to a tube that goes up and behind the ear to the hearing aid. Traditionally, they are flesh-toned plastic, but that still makes them obvious. Now you can get completely clear BTEs, where all anyone else sees are your outer ears. Even the tubes are clear, so your own flesh tone and skin or hair variations show right through these hearing aids.


Most people who do not want others to know that they are wearing hearing aids will opt for ITEs, or "in the ear" hearing aids. These little midget devices fit right inside your ear canal, and they can also be molded from clear plastic. When you purchase them in clear plastic, the darkness of the ear canal reflects back through the clear plastic, and nobody can tell that you are wearing them unless they look very deeply into your ears.


ITCs, or "in the canal" hearing aids, are wonders of modern technology. These hearing aids are so incredibly tiny it is a wonder how they work at all. Better still, they are custom made to fit deep inside your ear canal, very close to your eardrums.

With these, it does not matter what color the outer casing is since there are no visible signs at all that you require hearing devices. Each one has a very tiny antenna attached to it so that you can reach in with a finger and grab the antenna with a fingernail when you want to remove the hearing aid. While you can sleep with these hearing aids in, it is still best to remove them so that they do not become encrusted with ear wax.

The Smaller and More Customized the Hearing Aid, the Bigger the Expense

While Medicare is willing to cover the cost of the most basic hearing aids, they will not pay for anything fancier. Ergo, all of the above options with their cosmetic features would be paid for out-of-pocket. Just remember that the smaller the hearing aid and the more customized it is, the bigger the expense.

Contact a company like County Hearing And Balance for more information and assistance. 
