How To Know When You Should See A Foot And Ankle Doctor

Whether it is walking around the office or exercising, many people spend a good part of each day on their feet. If foot and ankle problems develop, however, it can definitely make your life more challenging. It is important to know when it is time to see a specialist for this ailment.

Here are a few signs that you may need to see a foot and ankle doctor.

You Have Chronic Pain 

It is not abnormal to experience occasional pain if you bump your foot on an object or spend hours walking. This pain is usually temporary. However, if you experience sharp foot pain on a daily basis, it is certainly a cause for concern. Make an appointment with a foot and ankle doctor to find out exactly what is going on.

You Have Numbness

If you sit on your foot for a while, you may experience numbness. However, the numbness should go away as put your foot in the proper position again. Numbness can be a big issue, however, if you experience it all the time. Constant numbness in your feet can indicate nerve damage or other issues, so see a foot and ankle specialist right away. 

You Have Diabetes

Diabetics are susceptible to various foot problems, like ulcers and infections. If you suffer from diabetes, it is important to see a foot and ankle doctor regularly to prevent these problems from occurring.

You Have Bunions

Bunions refer to bony bumps on the big toe and can make the toe look deformed. They can cause discomfort and make it more difficult to walk. If you have developed bunions on either toe, you should see a foot and ankle doctor promptly. He or she can examine the bunion and recommend the appropriate treatment.

You Have an Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails are quite common and can cause a lot of pain. Some people may try to take care of an ingrown toenail at home. However, trimming an ingrown toenail is more complicated than many people think and takes a special skill. A foot and ankle specialist will know how to treat an ingrown toenail without causing infection and other complications. 

If you are currently dealing with any of these issues, you should schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle doctor as soon as possible. If you treat the problem promptly, you are less likely to experience complications in the future. 

To learn more, contact a company like Dr. Christopher H. Peteros, DPM, LLC.
