4 Key Features Of Vaccine Validation Systems

The threat of COVID-19 has receded in many ways, but vigilance and prevention are still the best ways to keep yourself and your employees healthy. Technology can offer many solutions for COVID-19 protection, including vaccine verification. Vaccine verification kiosks are programmed to offer many helpful public health features. They can reduce the burden placed on your staff members. These are some of the features that a vaccine verification system can provide: 

1. Verify visitors' vaccination cards.

Requiring vaccination for entry into your facility is a good way to protect residents, employees, and visitors from COVID-19. Vaccine verification kiosks can reduce wait times and decrease the need for security personnel by automating the vaccine verification process. Visitors will have the opportunity to verify their own vaccine records by allowing the verification kiosk to scan their vaccination cards. Vaccination cards will be checked for authenticity and compared to a valid form of ID. Automated doors can even be synced to vaccine verification systems to provide access only to individuals who provide the appropriate material.

2. Verify vaccination exemptions.

Some people are exempt from COVID-19 vaccinations due to underlying medical conditions. For example, an allergy to one or more of the ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccine can make vaccination unsafe. A vaccine validation system can verify vaccine exemptions as well. Doctor's notes can be scanned and uploaded as an alternative to vaccination cards when vaccination cards are not applicable. Vaccine verification systems can also verify negative COVID-19 tests if you choose to require them as an alternative to proof of vaccination.

3. Check visitors' temperatures.

While the COVID-19 vaccine can provide protection from COVID-19, it is still not a guarantee. That's why many business owners and facility administrators also require people with symptoms of COVID-19 to stay home. A vaccine validation system can help you enforce this protocol by scanning visitors' temperatures as they arrive at the kiosk. An infrared camera can provide an accurate assessment of visitors' body temperatures without invasive tests. Anyone with signs of fever will be barred entry for maximum protection against COVID-19.

4. Help visitors check in.

Finally, vaccine verification kiosks can allow visitors to check into your facility. Kiosks can be programmed to ask questions about the nature of visitors' appointments. Knowing the purpose of each person's visit can provide useful information for contact tracing. Screening questions can also enable you to turn away people who do not have appointments during times of higher COVID-19 risks.

Contact a local medical facility to learn more about vaccine validation systems
